Jade Green Jade Green

Bad Dick

‘Over dinner, he’ll announce he likes to role play during sex, sometimes play a little rough.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

How to fail the ADOS-2

‘The woman opposite me in this small attic room is observing me. In particular, she is observing me in relation to my neurotype.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

I am no man

‘Intergenerational trauma is, in my experience, often analysed with an automatic alignment of gender: fathers to sons and mothers to daughters.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

When I was sleeping

‘Dreams of being chased can sometimes indicate social anxiety, or hint at the fact that there's something you've been avoiding.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

The oxymoron equation

‘I am a mosaic composed of contradictions: I still love the people I will never forgive.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

A tender kind of alchemy

‘It’s no coincidence that when I accepted the anger I felt about the abuse I faced, I became proactive in my pursuit of being a writer.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

Before the waves come

‘The scab of my real self lies under these bandages of poetry, vodka, and sex, and I’m not ready to open it.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

How to make the most of microdosing

‘This is your chance to work through your blocks and limiting beliefs and superspeed the process of implementing empowering mantras and new, healthy routines.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

Trust issues

‘How when you were eleven you would hide at the bottom of the linen closet in the guest bathroom that no one ever used.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

I didn’t ask to be crazy

‘Many people in my life see me as a bubbly, chill girl, a competent human being. It is an image I have carefully crafted over the years, and it takes a lot of energy to uphold.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

The kids are all right

‘What do you say to a child who is convinced there is nothing to look forward to in this life?’

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Jade Green Jade Green

Repairing lost time

‘There was no anger, denial or numbing now, just the gentle thud of different trails of thoughts falling into place.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

Et in Therapia ego

‘Into the vacuum, or the morass, have swept the therapists, a whole procession of them.’

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Jade Green Jade Green

Your inattentive professor!

‘I do not know what to blame sometimes: my ADHD brain, or my medicated brain. I still do not know what to treasure the most.’

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